Suojalakka kopun sähkö osille. Suojaa oikosuluilta ja kosteudelta. Pystyy juottamaan läpi.
Käytetään kuin kynsilakkaa, pikku pensseli on korkissa kiinni. Kuivuu todella nopeasti, ja ei jää tahmeaksi.
General purpose paint for PCBs.
Fast-drying, transparent PVB film with good insulation properties. Protects PCBs and other elements operating in adverse weather conditions against corrosion. The coating protects PCBs against formation of stray currents and short circuits.
Creates protective and insulating layer that protects against atmospheric conditions, such as moisture, oxidation, dusts, chemical contamination. Good adhesion to metal, plastic and wooden surfaces; Creates a coating resistant to diluted acids, alkalis and weather conditions; It is possible to solder through the paint layer; Prevents sparking and corona discharges; Reduces break-downs between tracks; Does not change the transparency and flexibility even after a long time;